正視環保 著眼藍天 望遠啲 愛地球多啲
踏入2009 將是香港地球之友另一個二十五年的新開始
2009 is the beginning of another 25 years of Friends of the Earth (HK)

總幹事致辭 2008 (中文版)

香港地球之友 25週年



香港地球之友盤古初開於1983年,由當時任職大律師的司徒蓮女士 (Linda Sidddall) 創立。初期並沒有固定會址,參與的也是另有正職的義工,所有環保大計,就在她的律師事務所內磋商。縱使資源不多,但絲毫沒令人卻步,反而很快便凝聚了一群有心的「綠色之士」,當中包括服務年資最長的白嘉倫女士(Karen Barretto),她既任董事局成員,多年來也無休地義務參與。




成立初期,本會更是第一個與香港政府「對簿公堂」的環保團體,以阻止有關當局批准私人發展商於郊野公園開展工程。該次勝利對本會而言是一支重要的強心針,讓我們更有信心迎接往後複雜的新挑戰,例如研究本港的生態足印、風力發電的潛力、令發展商撤回拆卸7棟各40層高但從未入住的紅灣半島、及推出全港首個廢物分類及回收計劃等。 (你可於以下網址,進一步了解本會的工作:http://www.foe.org.hk/).



四份之一個世紀以來,香港地球之友所關注的議題及參與的環境事務涵蓋甚廣 — 從政策游說到大眾植樹,或從國際論壇上發表演說到學校講座,都是我們的恆常工作。以下為部份項目,可讓大家溫故知新:

- 「無鉛汽油運動」,提倡全面取締含鉛汽油
- 「清新空氣運動」,檢舉道路上噴出過量黑煙的車輛
- 「這個夏天不太冷」,敦促公共場所的管理人,把室內空調溫度調至合適水平
- 「知慳惜電」節能運動,鼓勵家庭用戶及商界,節約能源,減少浪費電力
- 「夠照就好」熄燈運動,引領城市反思過度而且不必要的照明,使空氣污染加劇

廢物議題 香港的廢物量驚人,有必要盡快制定生產者責任條例。政府曾提議興建巨型焚化爐,認為可「一爐永逸」,卻沒有提出相應的減廢措施,實非真正有效解決問題的方法。過往我們曾經:
- 在學校椎行首個廢紙回收行動,鼓勵學生回收廢紙循環再造
- 推出具創意的分類回收設施及回收行動,鼓勵市民分類回收家居廢物
- 推行「收養屋邨計劃」,向公共屋村居民推廣綠色生活
- 透過「常哦行動」,回收月餅罐之餘,更推動月餅生產商履行生產者責任,採用簡約包裝,以及敦促政府就生產者責任立法
- 推行「不套不快 — 減用即棄筷」運動,提醒社會反思即棄文化
- 常設的回收項目:包括舊衣回收、包裝發泡膠回收計劃、碳粉匣回收計劃、光碟回收計劃等

社區環保活動 旨在推動商界及學校,從日常生活出發,身體力行實踐環保
- 綠化環境:「為地球植樹」、「企業植林計劃」、「綠野先鋒」
- 教育下一代愛護環境:「愛地球 探索家」
- 推動綠色營商:「Earth Partner」計劃、「綠色聖誕」

自1992年起,在本會理事及前總幹事吳方笑薇女士的領導之下,香港地球之友於內地展開綠色長征。在拓展初期,吳女士親自把環保訊息,傳遍內地十六個不同省份和城市,接觸近百萬民眾。透過舉辦以農村婦女為對象的環保工作坊,以及在農村學校進行演講,吳女士成功將非政府組織的文化及倡導運動的技巧,授予一群正在茁壯成長的綠色領袖,以及有志投身環保工作的年輕人。從2003年起,本會與陝西的婦女農戶合作開展「向日葵行動」,成功協助過千名黃土高原上的農村婦女安裝沼氣設施,推廣可再生能源。2008年起啟動的「平步青雲講壇」,旨在為珠三角一帶的大學生,提供綠色就業指南。本會近期開展的River Partners 計劃,將在東江源頭建設「香港林」。東江每日為香港及廣州地區的四千萬市民提供飲用水,我們希望東江上游下游可以攜手合作,同心保護水源及保育生態。












贊助人:Mr John Strickland

董事局成員: 安禮信教授, 栢利恩教授, 白嘉倫女士*, 白見明博士, 陳光宇博士, 鄭文聰先生*, 張瑪莉小姐, 戚惠允先生, 蔣家玉女士*, 趙鍾曼玲女士, 周蕙禮小姐, Mr George Coombs*, 馮永基先生, 何祥禧先生*, 何建宗博士, 何弢博士, 洪森淇小姐, 郭金漢先生, 林正財醫生, 劉啟漢教授*, 李嘉禮先生, 李順誠博士, 梁耀彰博士, 梁維安先生, 李威先生, 廖秀冬博士, 烈顯倫先生, 盧永鴻教授*, 陸恭蕙女士, 呂尚懷先生, 陸樹強先生, 麥楷醫生, 莫特絲女士, 伍日照博士, 吳方笑薇女士*, 羅禮巿先生, 彭亮庭先生, 裴素斌博士, 潘樂陶先生, 韋慕蓮女士, 司徒蓮女士, 譚鳳儀教授, 馬佳善先生, 杜鄺蕙賢女士, 徐佩恩先生, 萬祥生先生, 利是先生, 黃匡源先生, 黃遠輝先生*, 黃譚智媛醫生*, 楊民儉先生*, 余濟美教授*

總幹事: 司徒蓮女士, Mr John Parker, 伊力先生, 吳方笑薇女士

職員: 艾瑪利亞女士, 區詠芷小姐#, 畢嘉琳小姐, 陳蘭金小姐, 陳逸慈女士, 陳智健先生, 陳啟榮先生, 陳秀眉小姐, 陳燕明小姐, 陳偉民先生, 池威霖先生, 陳迎愷小姐, 陳英女士#, 鄭睦奇博士, 鄭茹蕙小姐#, 鄭眾宏先生#, 鄭秉賢先生, 鄭思翎小姐#, 張子良先生, 張琬琪小姐#, 張富傑先生, 趙惠文小姐, 莊納德小姐, 周燕虹女士, Mr Anthony Chu, 朱漢強先生#, 鍾珮筠小姐, 鍾寶倫先生, 鍾兆峯先生, 高雅文女士, 許美雅女士, 霍瑞儀小姐#, 方穎女士, 馮宇立先生, 古嘉芙女士, 何建宗先生, 何麗莎女士, 賀美女士, 葉熾文先生, Mr Ed Joyce, 甘麗華小姐, Mrs Julie Kay-Russell, 關嘉欣小姐#, 郭可思女士, 郭頴莊小姐#, Dr I Lai, 林麗瓊小姐, 林菁儀小姐, 林哲奇女士, 劉恬君博士#, 劉慧儀女士, 劉祉鋒先生#, Ms Flora Lau, 劉英傑先生, 李翠瑤女士, 李思穎女士 李佩君小姐, 李紫楓小姐, 李麗賢小姐, 李秀梅女士, 李向陽先生, 利嘉露女士, 梁禮誠先生, 李威先生, 李璇小姐, 李潔珊女士, 李立小姐, 李文恩小姐, 廖煜華先生, 廖琴心女士, 廖家業先生, 廖碧燕小姐#, 羅梓茵女士, 盧芷嫻女士, 陸武平先生, 馬啟智先生, 馬雅燕小姐, 莫女衣文小姐, 萬禮德先生, 吳惠玲小姐, 吳方笑薇女士, 吳達明先生, 吳狄姬小姐, 倪燕雯女士, 羅禮安先生, 白海倫小姐, 喬邁剛先生, 徐苑思女士, Ms Madeleine Slavick, 沈凱茜女士, 施玉芬小姐, 譚子慧先生, Mrs Helen Tang, 鄧偉傑先生, 曾文鳳女士, 衛瑪利女士, 王安禮先生, 王玉珍女士, 王一泉先生, 文偉先生#, 黃仲明先生, 黃永業先生, 黃美莉小姐, 黃嘉薇小姐, 黃潔華小姐, 黃立基先生, 黃德森先生, 黃品雅先生, 黃志剛先生, 黃幸姿小姐#, 黃俊賢先生#, 王家智先生#, 胡兆基先生, 胡海燕小姐, 楊美華小姐, 葉頌維先生, 葉廣濤先生, 袁淑文小姐#, 阮智忠先生, 袁藹慈小姐, 袁穎欣小姐#, 阮淑雯女士, 袁嘉欣小姐, 張義平先生#

* 現任董事局成員
# 現任地球之友職員

劉祉鋒 先生

Director's message 2008 (English version)

25 years of Friends of the Earth (HK)

Friends of the Earth (HK) is dedicated to protecting the environment locally and regionally by engaging government, business, society in promoting solutions to create environmentally sustainable public policies, business practices and lifestyles.

How it started

Friends of the Earth (HK) was founded by Linda Siddall, a barrister by profession. Without even an office, volunteers met at the founder’s law chambers to discuss green ideas. However being a poor non-profit organization did not scare people off, instead it immediately attracted a growing group of dedicated supporters including Karen Barretto, FoE (HK)’s longest serving volunteer who continues today as a Board member.

The fledgling organisation’s first office was in Wyndham Street on the mezzanine floor with therefore a rather low ceiling, so all tall persons who came to the office had to bow to us. Every staff person and visitor was also reminded to walk lightly on the office’s wooden floor to avoid the vibrations that could shock the hard disks of our computers to delete all our hard work. Within 7 years growth forced the organization to move to an office three times larger. The staff found it very spacious 18 years ago, but now we are dreadfully cramped again as our team has grown from five to 17. A larger office is urgently needed.

Think globally act locally

FoE (HK) chose anti-nuclear issues as its first environmental topic, followed on the international front by campaigns for saving the ozone layer and protecting rainforests to make local people aware of important global issues. Local issues were also embraced, the first being a campaign highlighting lead poisoning in children, which led to the phasing out of leaded petrol all over Hong Kong in the early 90s. Campaigns on pesticide use, country park protection, air pollution, save our harbour, and waste issues followed. With the success of our government lobbying and public education work, FoE (HK) enhanced its credibility and earned ever greater support from key stakeholders in the community, as a result of which some members of the board and staff were appointed by government to sit on important councils and committees to give advice on environmental policies.

In those early days FoE (HK) also became the first green NGO to bring an environmental court case against the government, to prevent it allowing private encroachment into country park lands. Winning built up the group’s credentials and confidence to embark on other new challenges such as studying Hong Kong’s ecological footprint; exploring Hong Kong’s wind energy intensity; halting the demolition of seven brand new 40-storey residential blocks; and advocating the first waste sorting and recycling programme. [You can read about it all in more detail on our website http://www.foe.org.hk/]

As local environmental awareness grew and Hong Kong’s environment got worse in many respects (especially air quality and waste), FoE (HK) put more resources into the most pressing local environmental issues with the long term aim of behavioural change to shrink our ecological footprint and make this city and planet sustainable.

Our range of actions

In a quarter of a century, FoE (HK) has embarked on a huge range of issues and activities from government policy lobbying and community tree planting to speaking at international forums and providing green education in school classrooms. Below, highlights of some of the main areas:

Air pollution has stayed high on the list of priorities, still lacking proper legislation and policies to deal with high emissions from transport and energy sectors, and suffering from low public awareness of energy conservation. Campaign Highlights:
- Lead-free Campaign to lobby the phasing out leaded petrol
- Clean Air Campaign to get rid of smoky vehicles
- Thermal Crime Campaign to urge the operators of public venues to adjust their over-cooled indoor environment
- Power Smart Campaign to encourage the business sector and households to conserve energy
- Dim it Lights Out Campaign to address the excessive use of lighting in the city that has exacerbated air pollution

Waste The vast waste Hong Kong produces urgently requires legislation on Producer Responsibility. Government tries to address the problem via incineration, an end-of-pipe solution, with little emphasis on waste avoidance measures to tackle the problem at source. Campaign Highlights:
- Waste paper recycling for schools to facilitate students to recycle their used paper
- Sort and Recycle programme - an innovative system for residents to recycle their household recyclables
- Adopt a Housing Estate - motivating public housing residents to live with a green lifestyle
- Moon-kick Action - facilitating moon cake boxes recycling, as well as lobbying moon cake producers to reduce packaging waste and government to develop legislation on Producer Responsibility
- Green Delights in Estates to establish waste separation systems on every floor of public housing estates and encourage residents to establish the habit of waste separation for recycling
- Disposable Chopsticks Campaign to address the disposable culture prevailing in Hong Kong
- Our regular recycling programmes to facilitate the public to reuse or recycle used clothes, foam (expanded polystyrene), printer cartridges, and CDs
Community programmes aimed at networking with the business sector and school students to integrate environmental practices into everyday life. Highlights:
- To green our environment: Plant for the Earth, Corporate Afforestation Scheme, Tree Planting Challenge
- To educate students through an outreach exploring programme: Eco-explorer
- To facilitate the business sector: Earth Partner, Green Christmas Campaign

Since 1992 under the leadership of Board of Governor and former Director Mrs. Mei Ng, FoE (HK) embarked on its Green Long March in China. In the early phase of China’s green awakening, Mrs. Ng spread the green message to 16 provinces and cities in China, reaching out to nearly a million people. From organizing the training of grassroot women and speaking at village school environmental education workshops to engaging China’s senior officials, Mei Ng succeeded in transferring NGO culture and advocacy skills to budding green leaders and aspiring green youth. Since 2003, the Sunflower Project, in partnership with Shaanxi Green Mother Volunteers, has empowered thousands of village women to install village household biogas on the arid Yellow Plateau. The Green Pathfinders Forum, launched in Guangzhou in 2008, aims to inspire Pearl River Delta youth to pursue green careers and environmental community service. Recently, FoE (HK) launched the River Partners (Hong Kong Forest) Project to rally upstream downstream partnership and enhance water catchment at the source of the Dongjiang River, which supplies drinking water for over 40 million people living in downstream Guangdong and Hong Kong.

Looking ahead

FoE (HK) will continue to turn the spotlight on one issue after another, to keep our many pressing environmental problems high on the agenda of this city, and to reach every sector of society.

We will continue seeking opportunities to partner with tertiary institutions and professional bodies to deal effectively with issues which are getting more and more complex in today’s society. We will keep integrating an element of “Rethink” into our campaigns and projects to catalyze change in the mindset of individuals, government officials and business leaders.

Air and Climate, as well as Resource Management will still be our key focus areas. However our overall goal is to help more and more people accept the rationale that by adopting a simpler lifestyle they can have a positive impact on the environment and even on the survival of humankind.

Friends of the Earth (HK)’s footprint has left green marks in many areas of Hong Kong and the Mainland in the quarter of a century since 1983. We will remain a green catalyst, a watchdog and a friendly earth partner for all in our society. We have already held the hands of many people making their first steps on the bumpy path to a sustainable planet, and stand ready to help many more. To all of you we say: Join us! Keep walking this path to sustainability with us! The easy road of complacency and greed does not lead to any good outcome!

2009 is the beginning of another 25 years of FoE (HK). Environmental protection is indeed part of our daily life. We sincerely invite you to take part. Please act now!

Thank you

The organisation that grew from a lone environmental voice 25 years ago to today’s mature campaigning success story owes many a big “thank you” to those who made it possible, including to all our volunteers, members, donors, supporters and sponsoring organizations.We would like to give our particular thanks to the following:

Founder: Ms Linda Siddall

President: Late Dr Ding Lik-kiu

Patron: Mr John Strickland

Board of Governors: Prof Michael Anson, Prof Bryan Bachner, Mrs Karen Barretto*, Dr James Buchanan, Dr Chan Kwong-yu, Mr Daniel Cheng*, Ms Mary Cheung, Mr Steve Chik, Ms Cindy Chiang*, Ms Mary Chiu, Ms Wailee Chow, Mr George Coombs*, Mr Raymond Fung, Mr Fred Ho*, Prof Ho Kin-chung, Dr Tao Ho, Ms Sandy Hung, Mr Kwok Kam-hon, Dr Lam Ching-choi, Prof Alexis K H Lau*, Mr Jean-marie Leclercq, Prof Lee Shun-cheng, Prof Dennis Leung, Mr Leung Wai-on, Mr Bill Leverett, Dr Sarah Liao, Mr Henry Litton, Prof Carlos Lo*, Ms Christine Loh, Mr James Lu, Mr Fred Luk, Dr John Mackay, Ms Terri Mottershead, Dr Daniel Y C Ng, Mrs Mei Ng*, Mr Adrian Norris, Mr Ross Penlington, Dr Petzinna-gilster Sabine, Mr Otto Poon, Ms Mary Riley, Ms Linda Siddall, Prof Nora Tam Fung-yee, Mr Marcus Tancock, Mrs Ella To, Mr Andrew Tsui, Mr Douglas Van, Mr Nury Vittachi, Mr Peter H Y Wong, Mr Stanley Wong*, Dr Vivian Wong*, Mr Robert Young*, Prof Jimmy C Yu*

Directors: Mr Peter Illig, Mrs Mei Ng, Mr John Parker, Ms Linda Siddall

Staff: Ms Maria Z Arnold, Ms Michelle Au#, Ms Karin Bergen, Miss Chan Lan-kam, Ms Phyllis Chan, Mr Jones Chan, Mr Wing Chan, Ms Mamie Chan, Ms Christina Chan, Mr Man Chan, Mr William Che, Ms Agnes Chen, Ms Chen Ying#, Dr Cheng Luk-ki, Ms Vivien Cheng#, Mr Delvin Cheng#, Mr Steven Cheng, Ms Cheng Sze-ling#, Mr Calvin Cheung, Ms Kiki Cheung#, Mr Robert Cheung, Ms Mandy Chiu, Ms Amy Chong, Ms Hilda Chow, Mr Anthony Chu, Mr Hahn Chu#, Ms Chung Pui-kwan, Mr Alex Chung, Mr Stephen Chung, Ms Amanda Clow, Ms Shirley Co, Ms Janet Fok#, Ms Janice Fong, Mr Irwin Fung, Ms Kathy Griffin, Mr Henry Ho, Ms Lisa Hopkinson, Ms Julie Hume, Mr Jasper Ip, Mr Ed Joyce, Ms Miranda Kam, Mrs Julie Kay-Russell, Ms Carol Kwan#, Ms Esther Kwok, Ms Denise Kwok#, Dr I Lai, Ms Karen Lam, Ms Ann Lam, Ms Jacqueline Lam, Dr Catherine Lau#, Ms Doris Lau, Mr Edwin Lau#, Ms Flora Lau, Mr Lau Ying-kit, Ms Christina Lee, Ms Eve Lee, Ms Lydia Lee, Ms Maria Lee, Ms Chris Lee, Ms Jane Lee, Mr Lee Heung-yeung, Ms Caroline Legge, Mr Frederick Leong, Mr Bill Leverett, Miss Li Suen, Ms Dorothy K S Li, Ms Lily Li, Ms Sian Li, Mr Liu Yuk-wah, Ms Pauline Liu, Mr Eric Liu, Ms Peggi Liu#, Ms Sonia Lo, Ms Elsa Lo, Mr Luk Mo-ping, Mr Kalmond Ma, Ms Daphne Mah, Ms Yvonne Mok, Mr Henry Morritt, Ms Angel Ng, Mrs Mei Ng, Mr Ng Tat-ming, Ms Norris Ng, Ms Emily Ngai, Mr Adrian Norris, Ms Helen Przygodzki, Mr Michael Quinn, Ms Elsie Sairojpand, Ms Madeleine Slavick, Mrs Cathy Summer, Ms Fanny Sze, Mr Henry Tam, Mrs Helen Tang, Mr Gordon Tang, Ms Diana Tsang, Ms Maria Z Villamil, Mr Eric Walker, Ms Jennifer Wang Yuzhen, Mr Tom Wang, Mr Wen Wei#, Mr Timothy Wong, Mr Wong Wing-yip, Ms Millie Wong, Ms Ivy Wong, Ms Maggie Wong, Mr Kenneth Wong, Mr Sam Wong, Mr Eric Wong, Mr Simon Wong, Ms Carrie Wong#, Mr Angus Wong#, Mr Leo Wong#, Mr Dennis Woo, Ms Helen Wu, Ms Elly Yeung, Mr Raymond Yip, Mr Plato Yip, Ms Yuan Shu-wen#, Mr Billy Yuen, Ms Elsie Yuen, Ms Janet Yuen#, Ms Nellie Yuen, Mr Phyllis Yuen, Mr Zhang Yi-ping#

* Board of Governors (June 2008 – June 2009)
# Current staff members

Mr. Edwin Lau
Director, Friends of the Earth (HK)


香港地球之友過去 25 年,時刻放眼八方, 倡導社會一同關心較迫切的環境議題。 往後日子,期望您也一起「正視環保」。

Vision of the Environment, vision of our future, we need your participation.

廿五週年廣告 Anniversary Advertisement

廿五週年短片 Anniversary Video



睇完以上短片,想大家幫忙尋找 25 個答案,回答多少,可隨意、隨心。地球之友踏入另一個 25 年,衷心展望,在大家的努力下,環境得以改善。

1. 片中出現過的知名人仕,您認得邊幾位呢? (相信起碼有一個您會認識!)
2. 香港地球之友於何年成立呢? (嘻嘻,如果同您同年出世,記得留個言喎!)
3. 那句孩子心聲,會令您有「感覺」或「感慨」呢?

4. 本會量度過的「城市雪房」,有「勁凍」快餐店,室溫是多少呢?
5. 回歸後十年,人口增長約6%,但人均用電量,卻增加了多少%呢?
6. 香港主要依靠甚麼能源來發電?
7. 發電廠排出的溫室氣體,佔整體多少%?
8. 能見度低於8公里,2007年比起1987年,增加多少時數?
9. 香港那兩個地方,曾經錄得「嚴重」水平的空氣污染指數呢?
10. 「夠照就好」關注甚麼議題呢?
11. 路邊空氣污染指數處於偏高或以上水平,2007年較五年前,上升多少%呢?
12. 香港的家居回收率,在亞洲四小龍排第幾呢?
13. 處理香港堆填區廢物的費用,是由誰來支付呢?
14. 估計三個現存的堆填區最快於何年飽和(滿)?
15. 本會曾在哪些節日,提醒大家關注過度包裝的問題呢?
16. 堆填區飽和之後,廢物將如何解決呢?
17. 讓您親近大自然之餘,也教您體驗植樹艱辛的,是那項戶外活動?
18. 中國項目「飲水思源」關心的地球資源是甚麼呢?
19. 天文台預測最快幾時沒有冬天? (而您又是否知道沒有冬天的定義呢?)

20. 您有否試過嘥電呢? (例如睡覺時電腦或電視機還亮著。坦白啲喎,如有,歡迎您分享吓,等大家記住 -- 唔好學)
21. 香港「即棄文化」過剩,您認為那方面最離譜?
22. 地球之友那些工作或活動,令您印象最深刻?
23. 您最關心是甚麼環保議題呢?
24. 「攪成咁」,其實大家都有份,您認為自己可以做些甚麼來改善呢?
25. 您對特區政府的環保政策有何提議呢?

總幹事致辭 Director's message 1993

Ms. Linda Siddall 司徒蓮女士
Founding Director of Friends of the Earth (HK)